Tuesday, May 31, 2011

QuickBooks Tip #2 - Recording a "Negative" Deposit

QuickBooks Tip #2

Did you ever wonder what to do if you end up with a negative credit card deposit for the day due to a customer refund?  You have to trick Quickbooks into recording the “negative” deposit (see instructions below).

On the Payments to Deposit screen, select all items (all positive and negative amounts) for whatever payment method you’re working on. In this case, it’s just the single negative amount for a customer’s VISA refund.
Then click OK On the Make Deposits screen, change the Deposit To field to your Journal Entries bank account (or other bank account), and add an additional line at the bottom of your deposit, coded to your checking account with the amount necessary to zero out the deposit. Then press Save & Close to record the “negative” deposit.

For more QuickBooks Tips, explore http://bit.ly/TipSeries. If you have any questions about this tip or any other tips, please email Marketing@CoverRossiter.com or call 302-656-6632. Visit our website at www.CoverRossiter.com/ for more information about our firm and its services.