Tuesday, May 31, 2011

QuickBooks Tip #2 - Recording a "Negative" Deposit

QuickBooks Tip #2

Did you ever wonder what to do if you end up with a negative credit card deposit for the day due to a customer refund?  You have to trick Quickbooks into recording the “negative” deposit (see instructions below).

On the Payments to Deposit screen, select all items (all positive and negative amounts) for whatever payment method you’re working on. In this case, it’s just the single negative amount for a customer’s VISA refund.
Then click OK On the Make Deposits screen, change the Deposit To field to your Journal Entries bank account (or other bank account), and add an additional line at the bottom of your deposit, coded to your checking account with the amount necessary to zero out the deposit. Then press Save & Close to record the “negative” deposit.

For more QuickBooks Tips, explore http://bit.ly/TipSeries. If you have any questions about this tip or any other tips, please email Marketing@CoverRossiter.com or call 302-656-6632. Visit our website at www.CoverRossiter.com/ for more information about our firm and its services.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

QuickBooks Tip #1 - Adjusting Invoices

QuickBooks Tip #1

Have you ever posted the wrong amount to a customer invoice?  Not to worry.  QB allows you to change the invoice to which a credit was applied with a few simple steps.

You can change the invoice to which a credit was applied. This task requires several steps, but if you follow the instructions a step at a time, it's not as complicated as it seems.

Open the invoice to which you applied the credit.
Click the History button at the top of the transaction window to display the list of all transactions linked to this invoice.
Click the listing for the credit you want to change, and click Go To, to open the original credit transaction.
Change the customer name to another customer. It doesn't matter which customer you choose because you're going to change it back (You could create a “Test” customer for this purpose and then use it again in the future).
Click Yes in any warning dialogs QuickBooks displays about the results of making this change. Now you've destroyed the link between the credit and the invoice to which it was originally applied. (QuickBooks returns you to the original invoice window, where the credit no longer appears in the History dialog.)
Open the credit transaction you just moved to another customer. (You can select the credit from the other customer's history by selecting the customer and pressing Ctrl-Q, or, if you're using QuickBooks 2006, by selecting the customer in the Customer Center and displaying transactions.)
In the Create Credit Memos transaction window, change the customer name back to the original customer name.
When you save the transaction, QuickBooks offers the original choices for applying this credit. Choose the right invoice.

Stay tuned for our next QuickBooks tip.

For more QuickBooks Tips, explore http://bit.ly/TipSeries. If you have any questions about this tip or any other tips, please email Marketing@CoverRossiter.com or call 302-656-6632. Visit our website at www.CoverRossiter.com/ for more information about our firm and its services.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Saturday April 30, 2011 – Loretta Manning, (Principal at Cover & Rossiter) attended the NAMI Walk along with her friends and associates from Delaware Psychological Association!  

I serve as DPA’s finance chair," says Manning. "This year DPA gathered a team of 15 walkers.  The walk was a nice break from the normal daily activities and the friendships that I have developed with DPA are dear to me.”

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Luci Roseman Receives Accounting Senior Excellence in Academics Award

Our intern Luci Roseman was presented an award at the University of Delaware Department of Accounting and MIS Annual Banquet many of us here at Cover & Rossiter attended last week.  She was recognized with the Accounting Senior Excellence in Academics Award. Congratulations Luci! Keep up the hard work.